Magnetic Pages Article | 1995-07-20 | 8KB | 7 lines
j. Starship Chart. ==============N------------------------------------------------------------------------------0Starship Ep. Class Reg. NotesN------------------------------------------------------------------------------IAdelphi 068 Ambassador NCC-26849 Capt Darson killed at GhorusdaLAgamemnon 152 Excelsior NCC-27506 Assisting Enterprise against BorgJAhwahnee 075 Cheyanne NCC-71620 Damaged by the Borg at Wolf 359LAjax 006 Apollo NCC-11574 Kosinski worked on ship's enginesMAkagi 101 Rigel NCC-62158 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneFAmbassador --- Ambassador NCC-10521 Class ship for Enterprise-C6Apollo --- Apollo NCC-6570 Class Ship.DAries 040 Renaissance NCC-45167 Riker was offered commandNBerlin 014 Excelsior NCC-14232 Stationed near Romulan Neutral ZoneLBonestell 075 Oberth NCC-31600 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359HBozeman 118 Sojus NCC-1941 Was caught in causality loop.NBradbury 072 Bradbury NX-72307 Was to transport Wes to the AcademyCBrattain 091 Miranda NCC-21166 Disabled by Tyken's RiftLBuran 075 Challenger NCC-57580 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359LCharleston 026 Excelsior NCC-42285 Ferried 20th Cent. Surv. to EarthLChekov 075 Springfield NCC-57302 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 3596Cheyanne --- Cheyanne NCC-71600 Class Ship.>Cochrane 095 Oberth NCC-59318 Transported AdmiralKConstantinople 032 Istanbul NCC-34852 Transporter.Suffered hull breachMConstellation 009 Constellation NCC-1974 (NX-1974) Class ship for StargazerKConstitution --- Constitution NCC-1700 Class Ship. In the Fleet Museum.LCrazy Horse 152 Excelsior NCC-66719 Assisting Enterprise against BorgHDrake 021 Wambundu NCC-20381 Presumably destroyed at MinosMEndeavour 101 Nebula NCC-71805 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneLEnterprise 130 Constitution NCC-1701 Destroyed by Admiral James T.KirkGEnterprise mov Constitution NCC-1701A Fate unknown. 2nd EnterpriseMEnterprise --- Excelsior NCC-1701B Presumed destroyed. 3rd EnterpriseMEnterprise 063 Ambassador NCC-1701C Destroyed by Romulans. 4th Enterp.LEnterprise all Galaxy NCC-1701D Starfleet's flagship. 5th Enterp.KEnterprise fut Nova NCC-1701E The Enterprise of the Future. #6JExcalibur 101 Ambassador NCC-26517 Riker commanded this in Armada.GExcelsior mov Excelsior NCC-2000 Class Ship. In Fleet Museum.IFearless 006 Excelsior NCC-14598 Kozinski's previous assignmentLFirebrand 075 Freedom NCC-68723 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359EGalaxy --- Galaxy NCC-70637 Class Ship. Orig. NX-70637DGangees DS9 Runabout NCC-72454 Deep Space Nine Runabout.IGettysberg 016 Constellation NCC-3890 Admiral Jameson's last commandMGoddard 057 Korolev NCC-59621 Had rendezvous scheduled postponedBGorkon 152 Excelsior NCC-65460 Admiral Necheyevs Ship.MGrissom 070 Oberth NCC-59314 Was stationed near the Sigma EraniHHathaway 047 Constellation NCC-2593 Derelict. Used in excercises.JHera 155 Hera NCC-61008 Destroyed. Geordi's mum killed.MHermes 101 Antares NCC-10376 In Picard's Armada at Neutral Zone?Hokulea --- Hokulea NCC-9036 Derelict Class Ship.FHood 001 Excelsior NCC-42296 Riker's previous assigment.CHoratio 025 Ambassador NCC-10532 Destroyed at Dytallix B.MHornet 101 Renaissance NCC-45231 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneGIntrepid 065 Excelsior NCC-38907 Ship that rescued Baby Worf.MJenolan 130 Sydney NCC-2013 Destroyed by Doors of Dyson Sphere@Kairo 136 Excelsior NCC-43165 Capt. Jellico's Ship.LKyushu 075 New Orleans NCC-65491 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359LLalo 024 Mediterranean NCC-43837 Destroyed by Borg at Zeta Alpha 2KLantree 033 Miranda NCC-1837 Destroyed after Crew was killed.LMelbourne DS9 Excelsior NCC-62043 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359LMerrimac 071 Nebula NCC-61827 Transported Sarek back to Vulcan.IMilan 110 - NDT-50863 Transported Alexander Rozhenko@Miranda --- Miranda NCC-16601 Derelict. Class Ship.FMonitor 058 Nebula NCC-61826 Responded to Romulan threat5Nebula --- Nebula NCC-45067 Class Ship?New Orleans --- New Orleans NCC-63100 Class Ship. Frigate.JNiagara --- Niagara NCC-28400 Derelict Class Ship. (NX-28400)MNova --- Nova NX-90000 Top Secret Experimental Class ShipKOberth --- Oberth NCC-8601 Class Ship. Small science vesselLOden 014 Apollo NGL-12535 Ramsey's old ship (non-Starfleet)MOrinoco DS9 Runabout NCC-72905 Replaced the Yangtzee Kiang on DS9HPhoenix 086 Nebula NCC-65420 Used in attack on CardassiansMPotemkin 047 Excelsior NCC-8253 Riker once served aboard this shipLPrinceton 075 Niagara NCC-59804 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359HProtovision fut Nova NCC-15096 First Officer: Wesley CrusherNRaman 155 Oberth NCC-16543 Destroyed. Crew killed by Lifeform.LRenegade 025 New Orleans NCC-63102 Frigate. Met Picard at Dytallix BMRepulse 027 Excelsior NCC-2544 Pulaski's assigment before Enterp.DRio Grande DS9 Runabout NCC-72452 Deep Space Nine Runabout.ISaratoga ST4 Miranda NCC-1867 Destroyed by alien space probe?Sojus --- Sojus NCC-1306 Derelict Class Ship.FStargazer 009 Constellation NCC-2893 Derelict. Picard's old shipISutherland 101 Nebula NCC-72015 Data commanded this in Armada.LThomas Paine 025 New Orleans NCC-65530 Frigate. Met Picard at Dytallix BMTian Nan Men 101 Miranda NCC-21382 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneLTolstoy 075 Rigel NCC-62095 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359?Trieste 015 Yosemite NCC-37124 Based at Starbase 74NTripoli 013 Hokulea NCC-19386 Derelict. Ship that discovered DataMTsilokovski 003 Oberth NCC-59311 Destroyed.Victim of Psi 2000 virusLVictory 029 Constellation NCC-9754 Capt. Zimbata is Geordi's friend.@Wellington 015 Niagara NCC-28473 Based at Starbase 74.GYamato 037 Galaxy NCC-71807 Destroyed by computer virus.DYangtzee Kiang DS9 Runabout NCC-72453 Deep Space Nine Runabout.NYosemite 128 Oberth NCC-37100 Class Ship. Lost in Plasma StreamerIZhukov 069 Ambassador NCC-62136 Barclay's previous assignment.N------------------------------------------------------------------------------DNormale Raumschiffe der Foederation werden immer mit NCC bezeichnet,<Raumschiffe im Entwicklungsstadium werden mit NX bezeichnet.N------------------------------------------------------------------------------KDiese Liste ist natuerlich NICHT eine vollstaendige Liste aller Schiffe derKFoederation, sondern nur eine Liste von Raumschiffen, deren Existenz bisherJangedeutet wurde. Einige davon waren nicht zu sehen, sondern wurden nur imMText erwaehnt. Die Folgennummer gibt bei Raumschiffen, die in mehreren Folgen-erschienen, immer die erste dieser Folgen an.HDie Foederation ist gross und verfuegt wahrscheinlich ueber hunderte von/Raumschiffen. Es gibt noch viel zu entdecken...N------------------------------------------------------------------------------